Q: What made you decide you wanted to be a planner?

A: I love the logistics of it all. It’s so fun to see all of the pieces come together to create the client’s vision!

Q: How did you come up with the name for your business?

A: Well, since my last name is Kornblum, I wanted to do a spin on that to make it my own. I also wanted to make sure I didn’t make the name too specific, I wanted to be able to do anything creative.

Q: What types of events does BC do?

A: We do Mitzvahs, wedding, corporate events, and not for profit events as our way of giving back to our community.

Q: What do you like/love most about your job?

A:  I love the behind the scenes logistics, and making the event go off without a hitch. We have definitely run out to get a challah for the Hamotzi a time or two, and once went to 3 different Men’s Warehouse locations to get 10 groomsmen matching ties!

Q: What is the most challenging part of planning?

A: Making the client’s vision come to life! Sometimes, it’s hard to visualize what a client wants, but with the help of our amazing decor vendors, we have had plenty of smiling faces and happy tears when they see what we’ve put together.

Q: Anything else you’d like to share?

A: The best part of my job is seeing the looks on the client’s face when they see their event space. I love being able to make people come together, enjoy a special milestone in their lives, and to throw a party that they won’t soon forget!